Saturday, October 3, 2015

Teen to Teen talk

I'm not ur average girl who is crazy over some boy band or some rom com book or movie. But I'm a total backwards girl who is born in the wrong generation. I should have been born at my moms time in India. I swear. Yes I am that girl who u think is a dipper Indian. But I'm not an imigrant so don't even go there. I just love the old culture. They girls who where too shy to do anything. Like we have no shame now. And can somebody please tell when fuck became an everyday word. I feel people use the word fuck more than the wore the. I'm not joking. What is wrong with this generation. And what about the next generation who is straight up growing with us and technology. Like they won't know what it is like to make real friends and play outside. I have noticed parents nowadays they are over protective. And so don't give a fuck. Their kids be out smoking and "getting high" like since when was that "swag" what does swag even mean. I'm literally just typing what's in my head. Backo the overprotective parents. They are raising their kids like they are the only thing on earth. And teaching them no one is better than them. Also treating them like babies. Not teaching basic thing to live in this world like how to cook or how to I don t know deal with real people in the real world and problems and jobs. Like how to get them. You seriously need to let loose of ur kids but at the same time  knowing when to pull back and be strict   Also set boundaries but reasonable ones. That's it I nee to stop thinking. More importantly sleep. This what happens when I start writing blogs or in my diary 1 in the morning. Or when I start talking to my friends at this time. I just go too far. Gn and ignore this post but in the future when I get back to this I will laugh a lot but also read my advice and maybe follow it. My title has nothing to do with what I just wrote. Just a warning. Nice put a warning at the bottom. After they read ur u warn them lol. Sweg 

Positive vibes

My plan is very simple. I'm not going to go on a very strict diet which will have me not eating what I want and just exercising crazy. But instead I will eat what I want to but with a limit. And even treat myself once in awhile. My main thing will be to exercise for 1 hour everyday. No excuses. Not just anything but simple one. So basically in a book I wrote down what I will be doing everyday for 1 hour. After I recover obviously. I had a little accident u see. I fell and scrapped my knee hard. To the point where it was bleeding a lot. But as soon as I recover I will for my plan. So here it is. During my exercise hour this is what I will do. This is just an example.
Day 1: 
•15 squats
•20 jumping jacks
•20 donkey kicks
•10 sit ups
And I will do this with 30 seconds of rest between each. And do this again and again until 1 hour is up. Between each set I will get 1 minute break. This is my plan. I will post a blog everyday mentioning what I ate all day, how much water I drank and my exercise set. And how I feel. 

I will be eating what I usually eat just smaller portions of it throughout the day. Like have 5 light meals a day instead of 2 heavy ones. Also I will try to avoid junk food.

Now let's talk about my goals. My long term goal is to lose enough weight to feel confident in myself on my graduation day. I want to feel I like I have achieved my goal when i am on stage getting whatever it is u get for graduating from high school. This is my goal for 2017 June. I also have a short term goal for December 7 2015 which is exactly 2 months away and also happens to be my 16th birthday and I am going to India for Christmas so I want to feel a bit more confident about myself and meeting my aunts and uncles.

 I don't want to hear people telling me to lose weight anymore. It hurts my mom more than me. She told me this herself that it's hurts her a lot when people tell her to put me on a diet and lose some weight. I think that people should just keep their nose out of my business and think about what they are saying. They might not think about it but I hurts me and my mom the most when we have to hear stuff like that. It's not that I don't want. They need to understand but they don't.

One more thing. My dads mom was sooooo fat and sometimes I feel like I have inherited her genes. All my cousins from my dads side are like me. Fat. I don't see them a lot cus my parents are divorced since I was 2 but I have seen pictures of them. Ughhhh I just hate my dad.

Relax.... Positive vibes. Positive thoughts. 

Ok so to keep myself from losing hope and giving up I'm going to create a schedule which I will follow. After following it strictly for 2 weeks I will get the hang of it and won't need to look at it anymore.

 I'm going to create myself an inspiration board with quotes and all to keep me on track but it will be all secret from my mom and my friends just for myself to look at. Also I will write my goals and look at them everyday for inspiration. 

These are going to be the best 2 years of my life. It will also help boost my gtp because I need 300 hours of exercise to graduate high school and this is the perfect place to prove it. I will have my 300 hours done in no time and bonus lose weight!!

I'm just expressing my feelings

I am fat. And I don't like it when people give me the look when I talk to them. No matter how nice I will be. In their minds they will think that I am fat. My friends have told me this many times. In fact I was arguing with a friend last week and she said when we were in elementary school, everyone laugh at me for being ur friend because ur so fat. She said even though they said that ur fat I was still ur friend and i ignored everyone. That is what I call a true friend. She is my best friend now. And I also have more respect for her more than ever. Now that I think about it there were many times where my classmates made fun of me indirectly but I never understood it. Now thinking back I get all those jokes. "You played soccer? And wore shorts" like wow at that time I was confused but now I know what they meant. And the funny thing is I wasn't even that fat. I was average. My of my classmates and my so called friends had inside jokes about me which I found out about this year in grade 11. It broke me. To think I thought they were my friends. Anyway forget it. It's the past now. I was too inexperienced to get it. I just wish my friend had told me about it. Maybe I could have stood up for myself. Whenever I meet any new relatives or meet them after a long time they always have to comment on me being fat. Like I get it I'm fat. I'm aware of it. By u telling me that I'm fat is not a new thing. And u telling me to go on a diet or stop eating isn't helping. Don't u think that maybe I'm trying my best. Or that I don't watch what I eat. Do u think I like being fat. I just don't even know what to say anymore. It hurts me so much my aunt or uncle says that. I just want to cry. Sometimes at night I cry to myself thinking if I will ever be slim as I used to be. I am starting a new plan but I just needed to let that out and tell someone how I feel. I have kept this in me for so long. In my next blog I will share my plan. But to whoever that reads this I want to say one thing. I felt so good after saying all this. I don't care if no one reads it but I got it off my chest. And u know what I feel 10 times better than before. I may have cried while writing this but I can't explain how happy I feel telling someone how I feel. Thank you for reading this. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

I'm confused

I just don't get it. When I watch tv I see these girls on shows. I mean teens who are skinny and pretty average and they end up on these diets. Like crazy diets. For example they don't eat for 3-4 days and then they faint or something bad happens to them. At that moment I ask myself this question. Why are they trying to be slim? They already so skinny. I just don't get. Why do tv show writters make this type of shit? Excuse my language. Like if they are going to show something like that. At least the person be a little over weight or maybe have some fat! Like I'm not the skinniest person. I'm actually overweight but watching this makes want to cry. And wonder do girls in real want to lose weight when they have no weight to lose? My advice to whoever reads this is to tell teens like that to cut it out. Like stop. YOU ARE NOT FAT. Trust me. I know what it means to be fat. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Get Fit 11

Fitness test 
•Beep test: 3.5 btw worst so far
•T-test: 13.33s btw bew record
•Push-ups: 6 in a row
•Planks: 40s. Not my best can do for 60s
•Sit-and-reach: 0. Yes a zero. Obviously I'm not flexible but mikalya says my legs are just longer but I think it's just me. 
•Vertical-jump: 245-220= 25 I always get 25. Always
•Board-touches: I did 12 in 30s my worst. I usually have 6-8 that's like half. Ughhhh

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Get Fit 12

 Final Portfolio Assessment Post

I have been participating more than the past years. Maybe it because of the friends I have in this class. They always encourage me to do more and not give up unlike the friends I was with in the past. Because I don't want to let them down by not trying or not having gym strip. So I have improved in do so. But I struggle to getup and come to school so I'm usually late a few minutes but if I was early I how just have to sit there and wait for people to change so I guess it doesn't make a difference. And the part about physical presence of in class activities. Again I have improved a lot in trying. I also had fun this semester. I actually enjoyed PE. Our arguments and our weird are going to be unforgettable. Going on to my contributions to this class I always help set up and and putting stuff away when I can. I feel some people in the class seemed like they didn't like me and I don't know why but I could see it clearly. I didn't like having it that way so I tried sorting out but they always seemed to ignore me so I gave up and started ignoring them to. Btw not naming any names. Being in this class made me more confident along with leadership that  I took last semester. Now I don't worry about what someone might think of I say something or do something I "just do it" but somehow I feel that's a bad thing because I have got some bad responses from others about my attitude but I really don't care cuz I have tried my best to make others happy but now it's time to do something for myself. The only thin I don't do and I know I won't be able to is to continue this outside of class cus I tend to procrastinate. But I'm going to India in the summer hopefully if I get a visa( my parents are divorced and my dad never lets me go out of country even though hasn't seen since I was grade 4. He always creates an issue even he couldn't care less about me. I can't wait until I'm 18 cus then I'll be freed literally)
Anyways since I'm going to India, it's going to be scorching hot and my cousins are going to keep me up and active. As goes for my blog posts I have been posting regularly but not in this month. Just been busy about the provincials. I literally write practice exams all the time. Math and science. But before spring and some of April I wrote 1 post a day. May was just weekly and June barely 2. In my posts mention what I did that day. What I enjoyed and what I dislike, how much I improved. Also what our goal was. 
1) 24/25
2) 20/25
3) 20/24
4) 25/25
Total 89% 

Get fit 10

Last Tuesday we did loco loco motion on the kabadi field and at first we were complaining that it was circle how is going to work out. But when we got there we found out that it is actually bigger than we thought. When we read the board we saw these twist kicks something new and they were actually nice it was like a break from running. Also the day went by so fast that I didn't even realize it was over. It was fun and I got a sweat out of it. But the heat tho. It was the hottest day. I mentioned what if someone gets a heat stroke from doing this. But the heat was seriously killing us. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Inspiration Board

•Opportunity won't know on your door until u build a door 
•you're body is like your home so don't you dare burn it down because you don't look like people on magazine covers or movie stars
•keep your head up kid; be confident 
•When someone says "You've Changed" it simply means you've stopped living your life their way 
•every obstacle makes you stronger 
•you're living, you occupy space, you have mass...... Do you know what this means?  It means you matter
•Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak....... Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go
•this is my inspiration board but what has recently inspired me is this page on Instagram Fit Girl Guide 
•on there they have short workouts to do. And they aren't too difficult for me 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yes indeed its interm time 😅

I have nothing to worry about. I can just say right now that I have been doing exactly how you would describe an A student. Now by answering all ur questions I'm not going to be unique so I'm writing how I want to. But I read ur post. So I think I should get a G because I participate, try may best and give as much effort as possible. Along the lines of participating I am always ready to for the activities planned and changed, not a single day have I not been to school without my gym strip. As well as changing everyday I have never skipped although there was tht day I slept in and then when I woke up it was almost lunchtime. Speaking of lunchtime, as I have told you in my previous posts that I don't change at school and I go home at lunch. I change and enjoy warm food with some tv. U must be wondering what I do during the time we have to change, I write my post during that time. And. That is is the only reason why o have so many.  I don't always end up finishing them but I try. This year I have realized how good I feel when I write a blog post and express my feelings. I feel as someone out there is willing to read my Posts and see how my day was. I dont add pics, I like to keep it short, sweet and simple. I want to take this time to tell you how excited I am about our coming up trips. I basically am doing everything I always wanted to do but was unsure. When I am in this class I'm a different person than I am the rest of the day. I feel more content, confident  and comfortable. 😊😊

Get Fit 9

Tuesday the day of fitnesses. It was yoga. Powerish. And I was pumped. Then I saw how many ppl were in the room, not that mattered or anything but it was as if someone hit a bees nest and all those bees came out. Exact feeling after beings in a class of 16ish ppl. Anyways the video started and I know ist was hard so I modified it in some places. I was able to follow along but since we didn't have Mars we were on the gross dirty and dusty ground. Which meant 2 things. 1 my hair was the touching the ground and I would have to wash it today. 2 my feet were hurting cus I was doing yoga in shoes. Half way through I took them off and hahahahaha I started to slip cus I was still wearing my socks. I wonder whoever was behind me thought when I took off my shoes, slipped while doing, the downward dog and finally sit on the ground putting on my shoes. Omg I was literally laughing at myself for not thinking.  The only thing I couldn't do was that standing with leg straight, touching the ground and lifting the other leg. So I bent my knee and tried it. My thats all. U can stop reading my post now. I said stop. Go away now. Oh hi ur still here. What r u waiting for. Do u need anything. But really bye now

Get Fit 8

The first day back was a bit tiring considering that I slept at 5am. Haha. I really enjoyed what we did. we should have days like that more often. It was a good workout and my body was aching after it. Most of the classes went out but we stayed in and we had the whole large gym to ourselves to do anything but we decided to sit in a corner talk and talk about all our coming up field trips. Best decision we have made. And our bodies were aching, from sitting on the ground for the whole class. My legs fell asleep many times and my but was sore. And then Neuf walks in like. This can't be happening, u guys have been sitting in the corner for the whole class. You guys aren't getting fit. Ha tht made my day. 
And I just can't believe I wrote the whole post on that morning of nothing. 😂

Monday, March 2, 2015

Get Fit 7

Today is Monday and when I came in I read the schedule for today and to my luck we were in the weight room. I like the weight room because we all work at different speeds and work on what we want to. She told us to get in to groups or alone and do a self regulated workouts. So Brianna, Mikela, and I thought for looking for different workouts online but that didn't work due to our schools slow wifi. And then we decided to stand in a circle and each one of us in turns will say a workout and we wool do it. For example I say do 10 sit-ups, then we would all do them. Then it's Brianna's turn to name the excise and it goes on and on. We did this for 30 mins. Later we just stretched. It was a fun day for sure. Cus when someone says something another will try to disagree or try to change which added that fun element to our fitness. 

Get Fit 6

Last Tuesday it was fitness and. We did the 30minute run. But honestly I just wasn't feeling it. I jogged my first lap and after that it was just a 10 sec jog 1 minute walk. Which was just laziness. Later that day I couldn't concentrate on anything, and in last blk I was dizzy. I felt as if I could faint. That day was just off for me. And I think many would have noticed it because of the way I talked that day. But I just couldn't. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Get Fit 5

To my suprise today was a fitness day because we have no school tomorrow and we did the pyramid workout. Overall I was 3 but I have admit that I didn't do the burpes 2 times. But the last round I did do them.  I just couldn't. I got to the squats of 8 and the 30 mins were over. The push up was another set down for me but I did try the modified version and it work ish 😁. Sneha and I have the same speed so we worked together but when it came to the push ups I would get slower so I would pick up my speed on the next one. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Get Fit 4

This was the best day so far. We did Zumba and I am so lucky tht I came. I slept real late so I couldn't get up. So when my alarm rang I told my mom I don't want to go an she agreed but then like no. I got up and ready for gym. The best decision I've ever made. To my suprise we were doing Zumba. I love Zumba. I had so much fun. I really enjoyed it and I worked hard. 😍😍

Get Fit 3

Today is Tuesday which means fitness. We were going to go outside for the community run or pond run but Ms. Phillps was away so the sub just went with the other teachers. So we ended up doing the loco motion on the parking lot on 61a Avenue. At first I was disappointed but then when we started I actually enjoyed it. I tried my hardest and did all I could. Although I skipped one of the sprinting, but for the rest I loved it. Skipping one gave me a break and energy to the rest. This is one more thing added to my list of fitness I like 😆

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Get Fit 2

On Monday when we saw each other, everyone was saying their bodies were aching but I was just fine. Then we started to play games like bench ball and pinball dodge ball and others. I had so much fun. Too much fun cause my legs were hurting so much when I went home for lunch. I also decided it's better it I come to school dressed in my gym strip then after class go home for lunch as change and be ready to take on the rest of the day. ☺️

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Get Fit 1

On the first day of school I was really nervous because i didn't know who and what to expect in the class. Another thing that was bothering me was that the other classes were getting changed for fitness because it was Tuesday. Then I say that some of the other girls in the class hadn't changed so I was revealed. When I saw mostly seen face I was more comfortable. Then we wrote down what we like, and what we want from this class. Then we played a few games where I had a lot of fun. At that moment I knew it was going be a great semester.

All about me -Get Fit

I'm Maansi and I love to draw. I draw when I'm stressed because it helps me calm down. And you will always see a new design on my nails every week. I am obsessed with nail art that I have a separate Instagram account for just nail art. Another thing I'm obsessed with is Instragram, I practically post whenever possible. One thing I want you to know is that I want to be a Lawyer when I am older.

For p.e. I really enjoy and look forward to 30 secs on 30 secs off, insanity, and hot yoga on fitness days. On choice day I loved playing handball, volleyball, and games outside. When badminton starts I will be the first to join. I missed volleyball season because i wasn't listen to the announcements properly but i would have tried out. 

I joined Get Fit for many reasons. I was tired of never getting the ball passed, or able to do anything without the boys saying its okay I can do it because I was a girl. But when I heard of this all girls course I was so excited. I can be myself here and everyone's voice will be heard. Also girls are not as rough as boys and understand that everyone needs a turn. I am hoping to be healthier by the end of the course so I am watching what I eat and I am also exercising at home. I will respect everyone's space, and participate all the time. Some days are really bad for me because  I might have been upset by something so I want to apologize in advance. But everyone has days they can't get their life together so I will try to give my best. I will bring a positive attitude to the class environment and always encourage others to also try their best. But most importantly I will have as much fun as possible, that way everyone around me will be happy too :)