Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Get Fit 12

 Final Portfolio Assessment Post

I have been participating more than the past years. Maybe it because of the friends I have in this class. They always encourage me to do more and not give up unlike the friends I was with in the past. Because I don't want to let them down by not trying or not having gym strip. So I have improved in do so. But I struggle to getup and come to school so I'm usually late a few minutes but if I was early I how just have to sit there and wait for people to change so I guess it doesn't make a difference. And the part about physical presence of in class activities. Again I have improved a lot in trying. I also had fun this semester. I actually enjoyed PE. Our arguments and our weird are going to be unforgettable. Going on to my contributions to this class I always help set up and and putting stuff away when I can. I feel some people in the class seemed like they didn't like me and I don't know why but I could see it clearly. I didn't like having it that way so I tried sorting out but they always seemed to ignore me so I gave up and started ignoring them to. Btw not naming any names. Being in this class made me more confident along with leadership that  I took last semester. Now I don't worry about what someone might think of I say something or do something I "just do it" but somehow I feel that's a bad thing because I have got some bad responses from others about my attitude but I really don't care cuz I have tried my best to make others happy but now it's time to do something for myself. The only thin I don't do and I know I won't be able to is to continue this outside of class cus I tend to procrastinate. But I'm going to India in the summer hopefully if I get a visa( my parents are divorced and my dad never lets me go out of country even though hasn't seen since I was grade 4. He always creates an issue even he couldn't care less about me. I can't wait until I'm 18 cus then I'll be freed literally)
Anyways since I'm going to India, it's going to be scorching hot and my cousins are going to keep me up and active. As goes for my blog posts I have been posting regularly but not in this month. Just been busy about the provincials. I literally write practice exams all the time. Math and science. But before spring and some of April I wrote 1 post a day. May was just weekly and June barely 2. In my posts mention what I did that day. What I enjoyed and what I dislike, how much I improved. Also what our goal was. 
1) 24/25
2) 20/25
3) 20/24
4) 25/25
Total 89% 

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