Thursday, December 11, 2014

Where I am in this leadership journey

I feel like I am doing a good job in leading my self in the right direction. I feel more confident when in the halls, presenting infront of my classes and I'm not afraid of talking to a stranger. This is only possible because of this class an all the opportunities I have had to take lead. The grade 8 retreat helped and so did the assembly and the food bank class to class box handing out. I try without thinking if someone is watching or not. Ian not the type that will just volunteer if there is a camera there or someone. I do it for my personal satisfaction. I like to help others. I this blog is jumping all over the place but it's just my thoughts. Anyways, I am highly self motivated and many of my teachers could say this. I have always been a quiet and shy while I was growing up I would just go where the crowd goes and do what the crowd died but now I stick up for my opinions. If I don't want to what the crowd wants to do I don't do it. But most of the time  my voice isn't heard in a large crowd only the popular ppl get recognized and I get pissed but I don't say anything. Sometimes I have something really good to share and I don't because I haves started to think that I am not going to be heard so why bother trying. But after watching yesterday's videos I feel I should have said what I had to so say. I will from now on. I just remembered a time where ideas were needed and I had a good one but I didn't say it because I was like to myself that let them suffer a bad grade. As if I care. They never listened to me last time and now I'm not going to help them. Ok bye now



  1. Maansi!!!! I'm really glad that your are becoming more confident, yes I believe you should speak out a lot. If people don't listen to you you should make yourself clearer or maybe quiet everyone and tell everyone to speak out their opinion one by one maybe then everyone's idea will be heard. :) hope your opinion gets heard more often!!

  2. I'm really glad that you are becoming more confident in yourself! I think if you have something to say you should be able to be heard, hopefully yours will be next time.
