Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lest we forget

The assembly on Friday was very emotional. It was hard Watching it two times. In the starting, it was nice to hand out the poppies and I was amazed at the number of grade eights that remembered us. I felt good to see all those people donate.  I hope we collected a lot of donations. Many people who forgot about the money felt very sorry that they couldn't donate anything. Later on when we all sat down and if started. Reseleen and Jasmin did a swell job and so did the rest. I was struck by the shoes poem. I don't have words to describe how much it touched me. 👟👢👠👡👞👢👠👞👟👞👡👠👞👡👠👢👠👞👠👞👞👟👟👡👞👞👠👞👠👠👞👞👠👡👟👡👞👢👡👟👠👠👢👞👢👠👢👞👞👟👠👟👠👢👡👞👞👡👠👢👠👢👞👢👡👞👟👡👞👞👟👢👠👟👡👞👢👠👞

Sullivan Leadership

This class has been the most interesting, inspiring and influential to me. I have respected all our class values and I can say most people in this class do the same. I really enjoyed the blackberry cutting thing. It gave me a chance to reconnect with myself and my friends. And I also made se new ones. It reminded me of my childhood memories with my grandparents who are in India. I remember I used to go to our farm and just watch and the farms tht passed I used to pet the rabbits and pick corn and carrots and other good. Anyways I just wanted to say this is the best class and it is more than I expected. I didn't think we were going to get all this time to give back to the environment and also connect with it too. I would like to do more garbage pickup and things like planting tree. Stuff outside of the class because I have spend my whole high school inside and not at all connecting with the environment. I feel we shouldn't receive grades  in this class because how can one judge a way someone gives back to its environment and helps others. But since this is for the schools sake aand also my sake I guess I have to rate myself. I think I have been very enthusiastic about the environment and the future of it. I didn't pretend to not like mud and I wasn't afraid to be dirty. I didn't sit and talk to my fellow classmates, I was actually into the game. I think I deserve a 90% or an A. I have gave examples why but it's up to u. But I still think we shouldn't be allowed to get grades for this class. ☺️