Thursday, May 9, 2013

Info Tech Questions About Being Safe From Creepers

1. If I come across any information that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable or confused I will:
Tell a trusted adult (my parents or counselor) that I know will help, print the conversation and if there is any inappropriate language used then I will ask my trusted adult to contact the police and find out who the sender was. Also I will report it to the website

2. If someone online asks me for a picture of myself, I will:
Tell them that I don't feel comfortable giving out anything about myself or how I look. Then print and save the conversation and report to the website

3. If someone I first "met" online asks me to meet him or her in person, I will:
Say no and if the person tries to guilt me or harass me, report them and block them, but save the conversation and show it to a trusted adult

4. If someone online asks me for  my personal information, I will:
Tell them I don't feel comfortable and if they keep bothering me about is I will once again, report them and block them, then probably tell a trusted adult and save/print the conversation

5. If any messages that I see that are mean or make me feel uncomfortable, scared, or confused, I will
Report+block them, show a trusted adult, follow my trusted adults instructions and if they say I should contact the police then I won't hesitate

6. In order to set up rules for going online,
I have talked with my mom about it and we have come up with a set of rules

7. If I receive a file over the Internet from someone I do not know, I will
not open it because it could be a scam/virus. Also I would most likely tell Mrs. Painchaud (the info tech teacher) because she knows everything about technology/the internet so she will know what is best. But if I move and she is not there I would talk to my counselors about it and my parents too.

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